Thursday, May 22, 2008

Somewhere in my youth or childhood...

4.16 pm:
In the land of my birth it is already Friday, May 23rd.

Just spoke to the printer. All the changes had come through, except two: a 't' unwanted, and a '?' as well.

I am waiting for him to send me the corrected work after which I will tell him to go ahead.

And suddenly in the brightness of room 200, where my students have inspired me, day after day, I am a week away from being a full fledged published author!!

One of them asked me the other day: Will your book be under K (Karnad-Jani) or J ( Jani)? It is questions like these that help me hang on when I am tired. Gifts of hope, excitement from the people around me that lend me wings.

As Julie Andrews sings in The Sound of Music:

Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good.

A deep peace that has settled over me.

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