Wednesday, May 14, 2008



One step at a time, I am closer to my dream. My book, The Little Brown Box is just days away from becoming a 'finished product'. Yet, every step that is leading me to that day is equally precious. I am mindful of all the roads I have travelled to get here. This phase in my journey reminds me of my early hazy dream, my ongoing hesitation, the criticism of sceptics, my disappointment at a backslide, and thankfully the immense belief in possibility.

I have reminded myself many times in these past few weeks, that it is never too late. Every day I spend ironing out details, editing my work and observing my excitement are all a part of this process of resilience. Everyday is one more day of learning. I tell myself that I must not rush, deadlines are important no doubt, but more important is the need to always keep the goal in sight. Do I want to get my book out on a particular day that a slight delay should cripple me? Or would I rather take the time to ensure that it is my best effort? This much I owe myself and all those who believe in me।

To my family and friends, thanks for cheering me on every step of the way. To my students in my study group at school, thanks for the tacit approval of my persevrance ( SICK!!!) Now that's something!
स्टे वेल्ल

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