The Little Brown Box is the alter-ego of my book by the same name. This collection of 70 poems written over 20 years is organised in three sections: Roots, Journeys and Heartstrings. The Little Brown Box is witness to my life. Whatever I could not say to another person, I have said to my journals and these thoughts smile back at me today, cheering me on as I learn some more, grow some more and move on.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Being Indian: outside the box

On Monday, June 2nd, my book will be a physical entity. Long before that, it existed as a dream. To me, then as much as it is now, it was as real as ever. It is the world around me that needs the physical proof of existence.
To the dreamer, there is no such compulsion. The very fact that I dream it, makes it real. That is enough isn't it?
Stay well
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My gulmohar

This is my all-time favourite flower, the gulmohar. I used to enjoy watching them bloom in Panjim, Goa in my childhood. Opposite the Mary Immaculate Conception Church is a rectangular park. Shops and colonial buildings overlook this park and this is where I learned to read. My Amma used to sit with me and patiently read the page of my Bal Bharati and have me follow along. All around the perimeter of this park are the blazing gulmohar trees of my childhood.
Long before the heartfelt mandate to 'not pluck flowers' my maternal grandfather ( Ajja) used to pick the blossoms that would fall to the ground and we would take them home. I used to be fascinated at the vibrant colours: red, blazing orange ( my favourite to this day) , some petals mottled with white spots like a butterfly wing.
I was very lucky to have grown up in a time before television stole such precious moments from lives of children. I was fortunate to be allowed the freedom to take things apart. I was allowed to WONDER, I was encouraged to ask questions. We used to play fight with the anthers of these very flowers, what else did we have in the long thunderous monsoons that rules the coast between June and September?
I came to Mumbai when I was in grade 9 and was delighted to discover that my flowers were here too. All along Marine Lines train station, the avenue, Maharshi Karve Road, beside Kala Niketan Sari Emporium, is lined with these trees. And think of the muscle memory, my friends: to this day, when the train emerges beside Mt. Pleasant in Toronto, my head automatically swivels to the left: alas the gulmohars are in Mumbai and not here.
Here, in my new home, they bloom in my heart. Friends, soulmates, siblings, send me photographs, they save petals for me, they write to me about the trees they have seen. And in those moments, my flowers bloom. And in that moment, my memories are immortal.
Here is one picture sent last year.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
To Dreamers Everywhere

After 20 years of serious writing, 8 years of planning and 2 years of chasing my dream, I am a week away from holding my book in my hand. Yes, my book: The Little Brown Box. Feels exhilarating and humbling all at once.
"What does it take to get here?" one my grade 8 students asked me on Friday after I announced this news on the PA system. I have been thinking about it since.
My wake up call came last July. I had dedicated the summer and the school year that followed to a word that was being whispered in ear towards the end of June. RENEWAL. For those of us who believe in signs, this is not a crazy idea. For those of us who have not yet learned to trust our inner voice or the voice of the Universe ( Read the Alchemist and then come back to this), this may seem like a 'new age' thing.
I went to Harlem in early July and browsed around. I found a delightful book store called Hueman Books run by J. A delightful little nook that had a fruit drinks store and a few tables at the front and rows of books written by people who looked like me, somewhat. Not well known faces that jump out of websites or glossy magazines, just ordinary people who perhaps had dreamt long enough to make that dream come true, like the Velveteen Rabbit. I spoke to J about my dream, ( it is just easy to talk to some people, the clear look in their eyes, does not judge your presence, they let you be, J is one such soul, I thought).
Dreamers everywhere will understand what I have to say next: it is hard to tell people about your dream without risking ridicule or the fear of it. "I am writing a book", you might say. " Yeah right" says the person's face while their lips utter this, saccharine- sweet; " How nice" Familiar?? Whether you want to start your own company or build your house or plant a garden or follow your calling, there is always an unspoken ' Yeah Right' out there.
As always, one is faced by two paths: and it is a measure of your courage, the courage of your convictions that makes you go out and do it anyway, in the face of all the ' yeah right' sayers that hide in the shadows.
That perhaps is the acid test of a dreamer: the ability to take that precious thought out of your heart and lay it down for the Spirit to guide you towards fulfillment.
Stay well and keep dreaming...
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Little Brown Box
The words started flowing and I scribbled. I did something I had never done before: I started writing inside a brand new book I was reading ( Storywalah: an anthology of South Asian fiction.)
As I wrote on, the pain started to recede. I felt better, bit by bit. And this poem was born. Did the grammar make sense that day? Surely not. I did not even bother fixing it. I just wrote on and I proclaimed to myself and to the world:
everyday, head held high
I am Ramanujam, I am Arundhati Roy
I am Tagore, I am Gandhi, I am Kalpana Chawla
I am so much more
than silk saris and spicy samosas...."
This is where I found peace.
Stay well
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Somewhere in my youth or childhood...

Just spoke to the printer. All the changes had come through, except two: a 't' unwanted, and a '?' as well.
I am waiting for him to send me the corrected work after which I will tell him to go ahead.
And suddenly in the brightness of room 200, where my students have inspired me, day after day, I am a week away from being a full fledged published author!!
One of them asked me the other day: Will your book be under K (Karnad-Jani) or J ( Jani)? It is questions like these that help me hang on when I am tired. Gifts of hope, excitement from the people around me that lend me wings.
As Julie Andrews sings in The Sound of Music:
Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good.
A deep peace that has settled over me.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
My newest guru
Of sadness and songbirds
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Journeys and destinations

Last minute throes

Sunday, May 18, 2008
ISBN Moment
Dreams do come true, mine took 8 years.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
May16th, @ Viveka Printers
Thursday, May 15, 2008
May 15th
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
One step at a time, I am closer to my dream. My book, The Little Brown Box is just days away from becoming a 'finished product'. Yet, every step that is leading me to that day is equally precious. I am mindful of all the roads I have travelled to get here. This phase in my journey reminds me of my early hazy dream, my ongoing hesitation, the criticism of sceptics, my disappointment at a backslide, and thankfully the immense belief in possibility.
I have reminded myself many times in these past few weeks, that it is never too late. Every day I spend ironing out details, editing my work and observing my excitement are all a part of this process of resilience. Everyday is one more day of learning. I tell myself that I must not rush, deadlines are important no doubt, but more important is the need to always keep the goal in sight. Do I want to get my book out on a particular day that a slight delay should cripple me? Or would I rather take the time to ensure that it is my best effort? This much I owe myself and all those who believe in me।
To my family and friends, thanks for cheering me on every step of the way. To my students in my study group at school, thanks for the tacit approval of my persevrance ( SICK!!!) Now that's something!