Saturday, August 9, 2014

Happy IWD

Happy IWD 2014 and then some...

Why do we have IWD
You've asked
And wondered
I've said
One day is a context clue
Little ones, that there's work
Still to be done

just like one month
For Black History, and my
Boxed people "South Asians"
Tamil Heritage 
Yeah we shouldn't, right 
Maybe leave me
A month and a year too

Seeing as I do 
all the work anyway
And labour

How about I 
celebrate my 
And courage 
And personhood
Every day

And revel in the joy
That I'm raising a son who knows that

And a daughter 
who strives 
and shines

So here I stand
Hand in invisible hand
Of women far and near

Dear strong daughters
Of Shakti
who resist

The imprint of The Father
The gaze of submission
And the labelled box 
When they look YOU
in the eye
Speak in Urdu, Tamil, Gujrati in
Your hallways
And smile knowingly

So here I am
Paused and poised 

I proclaim
I was 

Else who would
Have given birth

To these worlds?
To you even 
And your heirs?

(c) 2014

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