In from the softly falling snow
buying coffee
to keep me going through
the next few hours
the change in my purse
makes me smile
some rupees, some two
some dollars, some quarters
and dimes
just like me
all mixed up together
the Indian and Canadian bits of me
with a `small decaff, one milk please. To go` here
and a `kitna hua`there
and each part special
each part just right
just me
I have been following your blog for a while now. In fact it's been so long that I don't know how I originally got here, but once I did, I kept coming back.
I absolutely adore your writing style and this poem is probably one of the best pieces I have come across on your blog.
I wish you well and hope you my little comment lets you know that there are people out there, who are reading and enjoying your posts, even though they don't take the few seconds to let you know about it. (Yes, I am ashamed that I didn't comment earlier).
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. No need to be ashamed. For those of us who believe, even the thought of or connection with another person are ways of reaching out, just at a different frequency.
Thanks for your very heartfelt comment, I cherish it.
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