Thursday, August 11, 2011

A writer's journey

One day, perhaps day 5 or 6 when I first had the aha moment in the Vipassana journey, I thought to myself: "Darn it. No more writing for me. No more angst, just observation. And just when a publisher was asking me about my 2nd book. I am glad I did not sign anything" Funny thought that, walking along the winding paths of Dhamma Torana. A rustle here, a quiver there, watchful unseen eyes in the undergrowth my companions even as I walked from room to hall to lunch to clear my pace.

After my return two weeks ago, I have not been reaching for my journal as much. I have not written long drawn out outpourings of the heart. I no longer run on with my pain, the wheel of misery does not roll on and on.

I have been wriiting haiku though. Quite prolifically I must say. Now always proficiently. And there are gentle guides along this path who suggest a second look or encourage me with their likes.

I had always admired the brevity of the craft and had always thought myself unable to confine myself to the 5-7-5 pattern. I kept returning to the Facebook Group and reading the expressive little gifts left there by so many talented writers. Yet not until my own journey came to be a series of moments did I write with this freedom. It is not until I remembered the sensation of this very moment and that very glance was I able to free myself from self imposed labels of not being able to do this or that.

Constraints imposed by
those who benefit from them,
you don't have to stay

So I take another moment to see this woman sitting with me. I think I like her.

1 comment:

K said...

I like her too; it is not the destination; the journeys are the key. Observe oneself; out of body experience. Learn. Live. Live for the moment. Live for today. For tomorrow may never come?? Focus...breathe...great thoughts coming from a fertile mind. Food for thought is what we need. Thanks.