Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Looking ahead...

As I look back on the year that was, I can only give thanks. Just that.

Many new gifts came our way and the children and I are thankful for that. Many old paths fell away and that's okay.

I realised that there are different kinds of connections: ones that ask "what happened" out of a general curiosity, while there are others who ask "are you okay, how can I help, what do you need", few, therefore precious.

And wait, there is a third category who remind me that they are "luckier, happier, more fortunate" than me, as they are "loved, cared for, genuinely". I smile then as this ephemeral superiority is so fragile and insecure, where we think ourselves happier because others are perceived as unhappy.

It is very easy to get into a competitive happiness/wellness/fortunate-ness game. Walk kindly then, and gently.

It is what it is, for each and every one of us.

So, I can only give thanks, for all the love and laughter in my life. For all the wonderful friends and family, near and far who touch my life.

Living with gratitude and grace. Not a single bottle of wine was opened to achieve this peace, not one. Not sorry, LCBO.

It was a great 2014. I grew wings.

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