Saturday, April 20, 2013

Speak, Akka, Speak

Speak, Akka, Speak

The east sky
This day
Of shining light

Invites me to walk
With all those 
who are silenced

Speak, Akka
They whisper 
In my heart spaces
And remind me

My voice has
Their words
Woven into
Each cry

And the room fills up 
as they enter one by one
I feel their pain
Weep, taking care
not to smudge my eleliner
taught well by my daughter
And speak of them

Speak, Akka, Speak
I'm here 
with you, they whisper

Let them doubt you
Let them tell their clever tales

Our hearts know
As does yours
You were there, Akka
 You've heard them
You've pushed back the words
And you have stood strong

Don't give up now Akka
Speak, Akka, speak

Maybe the unseen scars 
On our children will get lighter
And with that we shall heal

Don't stop, Akka 
Just speak
Speak, Akka, Speak
You have the words 
that they understand 

But our skin speaks 
before we open our mouths even

We have come far 
from our homes, long lost 
on the promise of freedom
Speak, Akka, Speak

We cannot lose our children, Akka
That's all we have
Speak, Akka, Speak

Why do I speak 
some ask
Is this reason enough?

*akka=Older  sister in Tamil, Kannada and Konkani

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