Monday, April 8, 2013

Baroness Thatcher

I was a school girl growing up in a country with Mrs. Indira Gandhi as Prime Minister, surrounded by nations such as Bangladesh and Srilanka who had leaders who were also women at the helm of political affairs.

It was also a time where Benazir Bhutto was taking her own place in Pakistani politics. Daughter of the East, her autobiography has made a great impression long before it was republished after her assasination.

Amongst them with Golda Meir's name a legendary beacon to many, Margaret Thatcher took office in the UK.

Blessed as I was to be born and raised in a home surrounded by critical and prolonged discussions about world affairs, this was not a novel idea but the norm: women did rule countries in my schema.
I was merely observant of that reality as it unfolded and watched it over many years. I remember the Falklands War fought far away listened to on the BBC sitting beside my father.

Last year, as I watched Meryll Streep play Baroness Thatcher to perfection, I was thankful at the impact that strong role models have upon a generation of young women.

Today, although I am far removed from the Raj as a post 1947 Indian woman, I am humbled by the trajectory of her path.

As I sent this clip to my daughter who is right now leading a meeting of the History Students' Association as its formally elected President, I have requested her to observe a moment's silence in memory of a strong leader who whether liked or not, led the way she knew her country needed her to at that time.

Baroness Margaret Thatcher, you were part of the galaxy of women who guided my younger days.

Thank you.


...winged wanderer... said...

Absolutely!! Very well said. :)

...winged wanderer... said...

Awesome! Very well said. Thanks for sharing.