Sunday, May 4, 2014

It takes time, this business of living

It takes time
this business of living.
Plans are made
then life intervenes.
The lawn is on hold for now
as the grass is not yet
ready to be rolled.

the ground, all dug up and turned
left to the vagaries of the weather
in the week ahead

a wheelbarrow filled to the brim
with shovels, spades and other things
gleams orange against the
clumps of soil
wet, fragrant
and messy

the incompleteness of this
is exhilarating somehow
as there is next Saturday
to look forward to
the possibilities to imagine
and the thrill of wondering
what it will look like when it's done
A day here
a slight delay there

Such is life
for now
there is sunshine
and a fresh breeze

It takes time,
this business of living

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