Thursday, May 14, 2009

Who will stand tall when 'they come for me?'

My community is in crisis right now and I feel the pain. Students, parents and families are reeling under job losses on the one hand and the tumultous events of a long drawn out civil war on the other. One supports, one sticks up for the cause of humanity and one internalises the negative sentiments expressed by many at the inconvenience in their life due to some others who exercise their humanitarian right to be heard. We go about our days hanging on tight lest we say more than we are allowed to. After all, we are expected to speak only as much as we are allowed and no more. We have to wait in line, hat in hand for permission to ask for what is a given to many. As there is a saying in Hindi that my 11 year old son has understood for its true value and rhetoric: Tumhara khoon, khoon. Hamara khoon paani ( Your blood is blood, and my blood is water).

Do we need to exhibit tolerance at a time like this ( from my ivory tower, I tolerate you) or must we open our hearts?

Who will stand tall when 'they come for me?'

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