Tuesday, June 18, 2013

You Are My Superhero

You Are My Superhero

You teach me to walk taller, 
speak stronger, 
reach higher and enjoy art

You are my Superhero: 
you teach me to smile at inside jokes, 
watch out for untied shoelaces 
and empty pop bottles in the schoolyard

You are my Superhero: 
you make me smile 
when I hear your giggles and your whispers, 
your never-ending chats outside my door 
when you should be heading home.

You are my Superhero

Without you beside me, 
this year would have been
Just Another Year

I would never have painted a picture,  
splashed rainbow handprints, 
shared bangles for Women’s Day 
or dared to dream

Had it not been for you, 
I would never have believed
That I could fly

You are my Superhero
because you make me believe in magic

You are the proud Cedarwood Cheetah
Who strides forward
Endangered no more.

Written especially for Cedarwood Public School's grade 8 graduating class of 2013.

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